Serving Injured Clients
Since 2000

About Motorcycle Accidents

Serving Nationwide

Amotorcycle accident is a serious event and it can change someone’s life completely. Injuries from motorcycle accidents are most often catastrophic ones that can include:

  • Lost Limbs
  • Brain Injuries
  • Spinal Cord Injuries

According to statistics from theNHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), in 2006, 11% of all traffic deaths were directly made up from motorcyclists and 13% of all the occupant fatalities and 4% of all occupants were injured.

Just as with any other vehicle, motorcycles can get hit by another vehicle from about almost any direction. In 2006, according to the NHTSA, 51% of all motorcycles that were involved in a fatal crash had collided with another vehicle type that was in transport. Of all those, 79% of them involved the motorcycle being hit from the front. Of all two vehicle motorcycle accidents, 5% of them involved the motorcycle being hit from the rear.

Motorcycle Accident Statistics

In 2007, according to the NHTSA, there were 5,154 motorcyclists that were killed in accidents, 4,810 in 2006 which was up 5% from 2005. Moreover, there were 88,000 motorcyclists that were injured in 2006.

Further noted by the NHTSA is that approximately 137,000 motorcyclists have died in traffic accidents since the 1966 enactment of the Highway Safety and National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act. This act was designed in order to ensure that every state has a program for highway safety in order to reduce the amount of traffic accidents. Furthermore, the act served to create a mandatory motor vehicle federal safety standard.

Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Due to the decreased visibility and stability of motorcycles than a passenger car, have a higher likelihood of being in an accident than a car would. Moreover, when a motorcycle is involved in a crash, due to the fact that they offer far reduced levels of protection than a car does, the motorcycle riders are more likely to sustain an injury or be killed.

Often, motorcycle accidents will result in very serious injuries, including:

  • Escalating Medical Bills
  • Physical Pain
  • Long Months of Recuperation

The injuries that are associated with motorcycle accidents are numerous and include:

  • Lost Limbs
  • TBI’s (Traumatic Brain Injuries)
  • Chronic Pain
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Emotional Trauma

Survivors of motorcycle accidents will often face many long months of rehabilitation and/or expensive medical care at which time they’re incapable of working. Recuperation can involve many different things, including:

  • Surgery
  • Physical Therapy
  • Medication(s)
  • More

Helmet Laws

Helmets are most generally regarded as a potentially lifesaving safety device, although not all states have laws that require a motorcycle rider wear their helmet. There are states that have laws that require their riders to wear helmets, others that require that some riders where helmets and a small handful of states that have no motorcycle helmet laws at all.

Legal Help for a Motorcycle Accident

If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident, or one of your loved ones has died as a result of a motorcycle accident, please contact the Doan Law Firm in order to speak with one of our motorcycle accident lawyers today with no charge or obligation.

Most law firms aren’t open 24/7/365 or will send you to an overseas call center or a call center that tells you to call back during business hours. Accidents can happen at any time and you deserve an actual lawyer to help guide you through the process. Don’t wait; call today whether it’s Christmas or 3am at (800) 349-0000.

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