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Since 2000

Houston Fraternity Hazing Lawyer

It isn’t uncommon for fraternities to make new pledges do wild and outrageous things to gain entrance into the group. However, there is a fine line between having fun and putting someone’s life in danger. If you have been mentally, physically or sexually abused during your time in a fraternity, it may be a good idea to talk with a Houston fraternity hazing attorney right away.

What Is Hazing?

Hazing is the act of making someone complete a humiliating or unnecessarily dangerous task as part of an initiation ritual. Hazing may also be done to younger players on a team or members of a group in an effort to embarrass them or keep them in line after they have been accepted into that group. While some may say that hazing is just another tradition that builds bonds between members of a team or a fraternity, it can cause serious injury or even death. Even if others try to tell you that what happened to you was all in good fun, no one has the right to put your life in danger. Furthermore, no one has the right to do anything that prevents or discourages you from pursuing your case.

What If I Have Been Injured Because of Hazing?

Whenever you are hurt, the first thing that you need to do is see a doctor. Afterward, you should report the hazing to someone who you trust either at the school or in the community. This could be a parent, a police officer or anyone else who you think will help you pursue your case.

Once a report has been taken and relevant information gathered, the hope is that the school will investigate further and take appropriate action. However, getting someone kicked out of a fraternity isn’t going to pay for your medical bills or compensate you for your emotional or physical pain and suffering.

Even if an investigation is done and the people who hurt you are held liable for their actions, they may still be liable for civil damages as well. Your Houston fraternity hazing attorney will collect evidence such as a police report, physical evidence or witness statements and use it as leverage to resolve your case as quickly as possible.

How Long Do I Have to Pursue My Case?

You generally have two years to pursue a personal injury case in Houston and across the state of Texas. Therefore, it is in your best interest to talk with an attorney as soon as possible to ensure that you are able to protect and preserve your rights. Remember, your consultation is free, and all expenses related to your trial aren’t due until after you have won your case. This means that you shouldn’t hesitate to pursue justice just because you don’t think that you have the money to do so. In some cases, simply threatening to sue may get a settlement done faster.

How Do You Get Paid?

We get paid from the settlement money that you receive after your case has been resolved. In some cases, this comes out of a general lump sum that you receive from the person or entity responsible for your injuries. In other cases, your attorney fees and other court costs are a separate part of your settlement. This means that you would have more money to cover your medical bills, pay living expenses while you are out of work or provide for those who depend on you to provide them with a basic standard of living.

What Types of Compensation Could I Be Entitled To?

There are many types of compensation that you could be entitled to in a fraternity hazing case. You could be entitled to your medical bills being paid in full including any future expenses that you may incur related to your injuries. It may also be possible to obtain punitive damages on top of your actual damages. Punitive damages may allow you to pay off your college loans or other educational expenses that you incurred either before or after the hazing took place. It could also pay for any modifications that you have to make to your home or car because your injuries made it too difficult to use them as they were.

Speak to a Houston Fraternity Hazing Attorney Today

Hazing can take a toll on both your body and your mind. If you are looking for someone who is going to stand for you no matter how long it takes to get justice, you should contact The Doan Law Firm. If you can’t come to us, you can contact us by phone at (800) 349-0000.

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