There are a multitude of underlying causes for a semi-truck accident. These include inclement weather. The Doan Law Firm semi-truck accident hotline at (800)349-0000 is staffed around the clock to provide you information about weather-related semi-truck accident claims and lawsuits. Many people immediately, an incorrectly, conclude that if weather is seen as the reason for an accident that it is a so-called “act of God.” These people believe that there is nothing to be one about a semi-truck accident when…
The holiday season is intended to be a time to celebrate with family and friends. Millions of people take to the roadways of the United States to travel to loved ones to enjoy the season. Unfortunately, every year, thousands of people are injured, and dozens of people are killed, in automobile accident on U.S. roadways during the holiday season. This includes people who are killed or injured in horrific collisions causes by semi-trucks. If you or a loved one end…
Protect Your Legal Rights with a Doan Law Firm Semi-truck Accident Wrongful Death Attorney Like millions of people across the United States, you or members of your family may take to the roadways during the holiday season. Unfortunately, each year during the wintertime holidays, people from all walks of life, in all parts of the country are injured and killed in automobile accidents involving semi-trucks. Attorneys like the legal team at The Doan Law Office, at (800) 349-0000, represent families…
What are Punitive of Exemplary Damages in a Semi-Truck Accident Case No other type of roadway accident has the potential for causing death and horrific injuries than does a collision between a semi-truck and an automobile. If you have been injured in a semi-truck accident, you need to take steps to immediately protect your legal interests. This includes retaining the professional assistance of a skilled, experienced semi-truck accident lawyer. The Doan Law Office maintains a semi-truck accident hotline that is…
The vast majority of fatalities in semi-truck accidents are the occupants of passenger vehicles involved in collisions with big rigs. Occupants of passenger cars are highly vulnerable when it comes to accidents involving semi-trucks. A semi typically weighs between 20 to 30 times more than a passenger automobile. If you have lost a loved one in a semi-truck accident, a semi-truck accident wrongful death lawyer from The Doan Law Firm stands ready to discuss your case with you. Our hotline…