Protect Your Rights After a Distracted Driver Truck Accident The Doan Law Firm Legal Team Fights for You If you have been injured in a distracted driver truck accident, you must understand your essential rights and interests. You need to fully appreciate what you can do to best protect your legal interests in the aftermath of a big rig accident caused by a distracted truck operator. A key element of protecting your legal rights is taking a proactive stance in…
Sleep Apnea and Increased Commercial Truck Accidents Protect Your Legal Rights After a Truck Accident with a Doan Law Firm Truck Accident Lawyer Sleep apnea, is medically defined as a decrease in airflow due to recurring partial or complete obstruction of a person’s upper airway while he or she is sleeping. One of the results of this condition is that a person stops breathing for a moment while sleep. Sleep apnea can have a profound impact on a person’s life….
Protect Your Legal Rights When Afflicted with Truck Accident PTSD Hire a Fighter from the Legal Team at The Doan Law Firm Physical injuries in the aftermath of a commercial truck accident can be profound. Indeed, many people who are the victims of commercial truck accidents end up suffering from truly debilitating physical injuries. With that said, following a big rig accident, a person can also face profound issues of emotional distress and mental anguish, particularly post traumatic stress syndrome….
How to Document Properly a Truck Accident Scene Hire a Fighter: Retain a Doan Law Firm Truck Accident Lawyer In the aftermath of a truck accident, documenting the scene is vital This includes gathering images or videos of the truck accident as well as identifying and obtaining statements from witnesses. Odds are if you are the victim of a truck accident you will not be able to undertake these tasks on your own. You need to do your best to…
Your Rights in a Truck Accident Permanent Disability Case Protect Your Legal Interests with a Doan Law Firm Truck Accident Lawyer Every day, in communities across the United States, innocent motorists see their lives tragically changed forever because of a commercial truck accident. The reality is that a 2,000 pound automobile is no match in a collision with a loaded 18-wheeler, weighing 80,000 pounds. If you, or a loved one, suffered a permanent injury of some type as the result…