Can a Non-citizen File a Personal Injury Lawsuit in a U.S. Court? In a recent post, we discussed the potential liability of businesses for injuries their customers and employees might receive in a “mass shooting” incident or during some other act of premeditated (“planned”) public violence. We have since been asked to discuss an issue that we did not raise in our original post: “Given that many victims of the recent mass shooting incident in El Paso were Mexican nationals,…
Personal Safety in Public Places: Who is Responsible for Your Personal Security at a Store, Restaurant, or Other Public Location? Like virtually everyone else in the United States, you spend a fair amount of your time in public places like stores, restaurants, entertainment venues, offices, and so forth. You find yourself in garages, parking lots, and in different types of establishments at different times of the day and even of the night. When you enter and exit business establishments, when…
Who Is Liable in “Mass Shootings” and Other Acts of Public Violence? As the recent mass shooting incidents in El Paso and in Dayton, Ohio, have tragically demonstrated, we live in a society where acts of “planned” or “premeditated” public violence have become a matter of great concern in regard to public safety. Although we will avoid the very real issues of concern to both the law enforcement and civil libertarian communities, at The Doan Law Firm we believe that…
“We found that every high school student who joins any group-from gangs to church groups, from the football team to the band-is at risk of being hazed,” said a doctor who conducted an investigation on hazing. For the study, 1,390 students were interviewed, 48% of which admitted to having been hazed. From being forced to consume ridiculous amounts of alcohol to being beaten in a bus by drumsticks, individuals across the country have been subjected to horrific hazing traditions. Some…
Gainesville police have arrested two people in the death of a University of Florida cheerleader, who was killed and then burned to conceal evidence. The suspects, reportedly named as Antonio D. Drayton, 24, and Cassandra M. Kimbrough, 42, were both charged. Drayton was charged with first-degree murder and Kimbrough was charged as an accessory. The victim, Saleha Huuda, 21, was reportedly the girlfriend of one and the rival of the other. The two suspects were also was charged with grand…