Dangerous Occupations Most Linked to Wrongful Death and Workplace Injury As personal injury and wrongful death attorneys, we deal with on-the-job injuries and fatalities on an almost-daily basis. While it is impossible to predict which individual worker will be injured or killed, we have noticed that certain jobs are far more dangerous than others. With thanks to the U.S. Department of Labor and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, these are reported to be the ten most dangerous jobs…
Inexperienced Semi-truck Drivers and Your Safety Approximately 3,900 people are killed in semi-truck accidents each year. Of that number, the vast majority are passengers of automobiles involved in collisions with a semi-truck. In fact, statistics reveal that about 98 percent of semi-truck accidents result in the death of at least one individual Commercial truck accidents are caused by a number of reason. A common cause of a semi-truck accident is an inattentive driver. High on the list of causes of…
Schlitterbahn owner and affiliates face multiple indictments related to the poor management and construction of their water slide, “Verruckt.” This ride has led to multiple injuries and even the death of 10-year-old Caleb Schwab in 2016. Read more about all of those responsible for this tragedy in our latest post.
It is well-known that the combination of bars, alcohol, and automobiles is never a good idea. This observation has been confirmed after what began as a barroom argument resulted in the early morning death of a Houston-area man and injuries to three others. At around 2:00 AM Thursday, police and emergency medical services units responded to a call relating to pedestrians that had been injured by an automobile in the parking lot of the Bayou City Bar & Grill. Upon…
Beginning in the early 1970s, health care providers and professional liability insurance carriers lobbied state and federal legislative bodies to place a maximum limit of the amount of damages that could be awarded in medical malpractice cases. While these efforts met with some success at the state level, they were less effective in limiting damages awarded in cases involving Medicare, Medicaid, Veteran’s care, and care provided to members of the armed forces. With the enactment of the Affordable Care Act…