A ski lift accident at Devil’s Head resort near the Town of Merrimac, Wisconsin recently left several riders injured. The chair lift, which was reportedly full of passengers, allegedly stopped and began going backward at a high rate of speed. Some riders jumped off their seats, sustaining injuries and requiring emergency crews. Local hospital staff reportedly treated 14 people for injuries in connection with the incident, with two seriously injured enough to be kept overnight for observation, including…
A passenger died while in-flight on an American Airlines flight recently, with the victim’s family claiming the crew ignored her pleas, reports say. The victim, Carine Desir, 44, died after a nearly-full Haiti-to-New York flight after complaining of not feeling well and being very thirsty after she ate a meal. The flight home from Port-au-Prince to John F. Kennedy International Airport took a turn for the worst when she then claimed she was having trouble breathing. She asked for oxygen,…
A tandem bungee jump turned to tragedy when a young couple plunged more than 200 feet to their deaths from a bridge recently. Reports say a set of snap-hooks failed when Tiziana Accorra, a 26-year-old university student from Rome, and boyfriend Alberto Galletti, 25, from Siena and a member of Italy’s elite Folgore army parachute regiment, leapt from the bridge together. The jump occurred at the Polino Jumping Centre, near Arrone in Umbria’s Valnerina valley. Although the jump facility had…
A woman attending a Christian festival in Oshkosk, WI, died recently after plunging about 45 feet from an amusement ride. The incident occurred at the Lifest when the Air Glory ride — a ride whose mechanism is similar to bungee-jumping – reportedly failed and the woman fell to the ground. Lifest is an annual Christian music festival that also features rides and sports. Reports say two people went up in the ride; when the workers pulled the release apparently a…
Reports say a cruise passenger from the Sea Princess, a Princess Cruises liner, died in Tortola, British Virgin Islands earlier this year. The man was reportedly pulled out of the sea in the area of Cane Garden Bay beach. The man, who was reportedly in his 50´s, was unconscious when discovered. Emergency workers resuscitated him, but he was mostly not breathing on his own. He also evidently had a weak pulse. He was transported to a hospital, but about 90…