Although there is ample evidence that “legal” or “medical” marijuana can cause birth defects, marijuana dispensaries continue to sell such products without warning labels.
Birth Defects in Colorado Linked to Medical, Recreational Marijuana A study published in the medical journal Clinical Pediatrics has strongly demonstrated a link between marijuana use in early pregnancy and serious birth defects in Colorado. In this post, the medical marijuana injury lawyer at The Doan Law Firm summarizes the findings of this study and discusses its possible legal implications. Background The State of Colorado decriminalized possession and use of cannabis (marijuana) for medical purposes in 2001 and approved the…
California to Require Warning Labels on THC and CBD Products In response to the growing body of scientific evidence linking marijuana use with birth defects and some cancers, the State of California will require warning labels to be placed on all products containing THC, the active component of marijuana and other products derived from plants of the Cannabis family. As of January 3rd 2021 all products containing any amount of THC will be subject to California’s “Proposition 65” requirement that…
Folks in New Bedford, Massachusetts were only starting their Thanksgiving Day when a viscous explosion ripped through a residential neighborhood, destroying three homes and damaging others to varying degrees. At least one person is reported to be seriously injured and was taken to a New Bedford hospital. No specific information is available about the woman’s current condition, although she expected to survive the explosion and fire. The New Bedford explosion occurred at about 9:45 a.m. Firefighters and emergency personnel and…
“Textured-Surface” Breast Implants and Cancer Each year thousands of women undergo breast implant surgery for a variety of reasons, with many such implant operations performed following mastectomy for breast cancer. In these operations, a pouch roughly the shape of the patient’s natural breast and containing saline, silicon or some other substance is inserted into the cavity left by the removed breast tissue and the remaining natural skin is over-sewn to recreate the normal size and shape of the breast. Regardless…
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