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US Bishops: Reports of Sexual Abuse by Priests Tripled in 2019

US Bishops: Reports of Sexual Abuse by Priests Tripled in 2019 As the Roman Catholic Church struggles to improve its public image in the wake of the ongoing scandals involving sexual abuse by priests, a report released by the US Council of Bishops suggests that the Church’s problems are far from over. According to a story published by Associated Press, the Council of Bishops’ report states that there were 4,434 new sexual abuse allegations against clergy in the 2019, three…

Boy Scouts of America File Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

Boy Scouts of America Files Chapter 11 Bankruptcy As you are probably aware, on February 18, 2020 the Boy Scouts of America filed a “Chapter 11” bankruptcy petition with the US Bankruptcy Court in Delaware. This came about as a result of numerous lawsuits filed across the country alleging that the Boy Scouts of America was aware of sexual abuse occurring within the organization yet failed to act on that information. In today’s post the Boy Scout sexual abuse lawyer at…

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