On Monday, October 5, in the early afternoon, a partial building collapse occurred at a Harvey Builders construction site for a new Marathon Oil structure in Houston. Three workers were killed in the collapse, one crew member was hospitalized and is reported to be in stable condition. Investigation into the cause of the Harvey Builders collapse has been slow moving because the partly constructed Marathon Oil building was deemed significantly unstable following the collapse of a stairwell. The staircase in…
The day following the tragic partial collapse of a Houston high-rise office building under construction, the remains of three workers killed in the Harvey Builders construction site accident remain in the rubble. The 15-story building remains too unstable for emergency personnel to enter, leaving the bodies buried in the rubble from a stairwell collapse. Harvey Builders, together with technical experts from the Houston Fire Department are working to find a way to stabilize the structure. 240 workers were at the…
Dump Truck Carrying Construction Materials Crushes Worker A Forth Worth construction accident resulted in one fatality. A worker was killed in a commercial construction worksite accident in northeast Fort Worth located at Berkshire Lake Boulevard and Drovers View Trail. The accident occurred during the morning rush hour. The victim was declared dead at the construction site. The most common types of Fort Worth construction site accident situations include those involving motor vehicles. This is what happened at a Fort Worth…
As they tried to escape a deep, water-filled hole at a Queens, NY waste transfer plant, three workers were killed as they were overcome by hydrogen sulfide fumes. The victims, including a father and son who worked for S. Dahan Sewer Specialists, were at the scene working with a vacuum truck to suck water from a dry well that was meant to collect water runoff. Harel Dahan, 23, of Brooklyn, somehow fell into the well and his father, Shlomo Dahan,…
Chad Elgert, 35, a North Sioux City Speedy Rooter sewer company employee, remains in critical condition at a local hospital after he tried to rescue another worker in the same sewer. Elgert had been called to fix a clogged sewer in a one-block stretch of Souix City, IA recently when his co-worker, Robert Thompson, 54, fell into unconscious from the gasses in the sewer. Elgert then descended into the manhole to try to rescue Thompson, but he was also overtaken…
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