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3 Dead After 30 Vehicle Pileup Near Fowlerville, Michigan

3 Dead After 30 Vehicle Pileup Near Fowlerville, Michigan Snow, Ice, and Bad Decisions Are a Deadly Mix A mixture of snow, ice, and wind is being blamed for a 30+ vehicle pileup on I-94 near Fowlerville that left at least 3 people dead and 11 injured as a winter storm slammed into Central Michigan during the overnight hours of December 8th – 9th. Preliminary reports said that a tractor-trailer rig belonging to an unknown company had jackknifed at around…

How to Prepare for a Initial Consultation with a Personal Injury Lawyer

How to Prepare for a Initial Consultation with a Personal Injury Lawyer Protect Your Legal Rights with a Skilled Personal Injury Lawyer from The Doan Law Firm You face innumerable challenges in the aftermath of an accident that caused you to sustain injuries. You likely spend a considerable amount of time dealing with medical issues. You may have financial concerns because you have not been able to return to work. You may be in constant pain. If you have decided…

Bus Accident with No Seat Belts

Bus Accident with no seat belts School Buses Without Seat Belts Accidents Two recent school bus accidents have brought to light the fact that very few school buses that are in daily use around the country are equipped with the most basic of all safety devices: seat belts. The first accident attracted little attention outside the State of Texas but serves as an example of school bus accidents that can occur during bad weather. According to investigators, a tractor-trailer rig…

Snow and Ice Accident Lawyer

Major Injuries Follow and Snow and Ice Accident Snow and Ice Accident Lawyer at The Doan Law Firm Fight for Justice and Fair Compensation With the winter season officially underway in December, weather conditions in many locations across the United States become quite treacherous with regularity. Indeed, in some locations across the country, relief from cold, snow, and ice doesn’t really begin to occur until later in April. Although some people extol pleasant commentary about this time of year creating…

Laying the Foundation for a Defective Product Claim

Laying the Foundation for a Defective Product Claim Protect Your Rights with a Defective Product Lawyer The Doan Law Firm Fights to Get You the Compensation You Deserve After an Accident When you purchase a product, you expect it not only to work properly, but to be safe. The stark reality is that hundreds of people are killed, and tens of thousands are injured, annually in accidents caused by a defective product, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Everyday…

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