Serving Injured Clients
Since 2000

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Defective Products Liability and the “Internet of Things”

The “Internet of Things” has brought many new devices into homes. The liability regarding these devices can be confusing and complicated. Find out more about defective product liability from the experienced team at The Doan Law Firm.

Pursuing a Wrongful Death Claim When a Semi-truck Accident Occurs in Another State

Protect Your Legal Rights with a Doan Law Firm Semi-truck Accident Wrongful Death Attorney Like millions of people across the United States, you or members of your family may take to the roadways during the holiday season. Unfortunately, each year during the wintertime holidays, people from all walks of life, in all parts of the country are injured and killed in automobile accidents involving semi-trucks. Attorneys like the legal team at The Doan Law Office, at (800) 349-0000, represent families…

What Is The Liability In Gun Violence

We at the Doan Law Firm were shocked when we received news of the mass shooting incident in Sutherland Springs, Texas and we extend our sincerest condolences to the families that lost loved ones in that senseless act. In today’s post the personal injury and accident lawyer of our firm will explain the legal remedies that may be available to victims of gun violence in the context of the Sutherland Springs church massacre and the earlier shooting incident at the…

What Are The Liability in High School Athletic Injuries

Liability in High School Athletic Injuries: Overview A new academic year has begun and, with it, another season of high school sports such as football and basketball. In today’s post, the personal injury and accident lawyer at the Doan Law Firm will begin a series of articles that discuss the types, severity, and long-term health consequences of injuries that are commonly seen in high school athletics. Let’s begin with a general overview of the types of injuries that occur most…

Punitive of Exemplary Damages in a Semi-Truck Accident Case

What are Punitive of Exemplary Damages in a Semi-Truck Accident Case No other type of roadway accident has the potential for causing death and horrific injuries than does a collision between a semi-truck and an automobile. If you have been injured in a semi-truck accident, you need to take steps to immediately protect your legal interests. This includes retaining the professional assistance of a skilled, experienced semi-truck accident lawyer. The Doan Law Office maintains a semi-truck accident hotline that is…

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