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Do I Have to Talk to an Insurance Claim Adjuster?

If you were involved in a motor vehicle accident, you already know that dealing with the other driver’s insurance adjusters can be almost as traumatic and the accident itself! In today’s post, the automobile and truck accident injury attorney at the Doan Law Firm will answer some of more frequently asked questions that we regularly receive and offer suggestions regarding how to respond to some of the tactics used by adjusters to gather information that could be used to undermine…

29-Year Old Man Killed by Brain-Eating Amoeba at Waco Surf Resort

A New Jersey man was on vacation at the BSR Cable Park surf resort in Waco, Texas, when health officials suggest that he became infected with Naegleria fowleri, a type of amoeba. An amoeba is a single-cell animal that can be parasitic in some instances. Naegleria fowleri is a parasitic amoeba that occasionally infects a human being. It routinely is called a “brain-eating amoeba.” An individual with questions about their legal rights following a water park infection or injury can…

Another Child Dead Following “Bounce Pillow” Accident in Lincoln, NE

Another tragic accident occurred involving a child and an inflatable “bounce house”. A sudden gust of wind trapped a young boy in the attraction at JK’s Pumpkin Patch. The attraction was then lifted 30 to 40 feet in the air, resulting in the death of the young boy.

NJ University Bans All “Greek Life,” Florida State Fraternity Hit with Lawsuit

Tau Kappa Epsilon, Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternities again kicked off campuses As we have previously reported on this website, many college fraternities seem to routinely snub their collective “Animal House” noses at both their host institutions and state law. In today’s post, the fraternity hazing lawyer at the Doan Law Firm presents two recent examples of how college fraternities continue to pose a significant risk to the safety of their members and pledges. Monmouth (NJ) University suspends all campus fraternities…

Husky Superior Refinery Explosion Caused $27M in Damages and $53M in Repairs, Other Expenses

Wisconsin’s only oil refinery not expected to resume full operations until 2020 Calgary, Alberta-based Husky Energy has stated that it does not expect its Superior WI unit, the site of an April fire and explosion, to resume normal operations for at least 18 to 24 months, which would place the restart at between January and July 2020 at the earliest. Initial estimates indicate that that repairs and site cleanup following the April fire and explosion at the only oil refinery…

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