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Remote Workers, Workplace Injury, and Workers’ Compensation

Remote Workers, Workplace Injury, and Workers’ Compensation As a result of COVID-19 stay at home directives and mandated workplace workforce reductions on the city and state levels across the country, more people are working remotely or working from home than at any time in U.S. history. Many of these displaced workers will return to the workplace fold, a process that is likely to commence in some states are “early” as May. Texas businesses are likely to be on the forefront…

A Remaining Dark Corner in the University Greek World: The Ongoing Quiet Crisis of the Sexual Assault of College Women by Fraternity Brothers

A Remaining Dark Corner in the University Greek World: The Ongoing Quiet Crisis of the Sexual Assault of College Women by Fraternity Brothers A considerable amount of attention has been paid to the physical and emotional harm vested upon fraternity pledges as the result of hazing. Indeed, notice has also been had on the ongoing harm experienced by fraternity members during the entire course of their college careers as a result of dangerous activities sponsored by these organizations or even…

Auto Accidents Involving GardaWorld Armored Trucks

Auto Accidents Involving GardaWorld Armored Trucks Armored truck company has long record of fatal accidents, safety violations Everyone has seen the armored trucks that routinely transport money from high cash flow businesses such as fast food locations, supermarkets, and entertainment centers. Given the tremendous amounts of cash transported by armored trucks, you might think the various armored truck companies would invest heavily in routine maintenance to keep their vehicles in top operating condition. However, a recent investigative report by the…

Daycare Workers and Sexual Abuse

Within the past year there were 8 reported cases involving sexual abuse of children at daycare centers. Of these 8, 6 happened at “home-based” daycare centers and were committed by the daycare’s owner or a member of the owner’s family.

Driving Dangers in the Supermarket Parking Lot: Serious Injuries and Fatalities Raise Questions about Store Parking Facilities

Driving Dangers in the Supermarket Parking Lot: Serious Injuries and Fatalities Raise Questions about Store Parking Facilities A successful supermarket or other retailer has an understanding of the importance of providing patrons with an accessible parking lot. A retailer naturally wants its customers to be able to get into and out of its store with relative ease. On the other hand, a retailer typically has something of a mindset that a parking lot presents something of a dead space, at…

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