Nestled in a Southwest Iowa town of the same name, Clarinda Academy, a facility for troubled youth, has been shuttered. The closing of the center, operated by a for-profit company known as Sequel Youth & Family Services, comes after persistent and pervasive and persistent allegations of sexual assault and physical abuse perpetrated on minors by Clarinda Academy staff. Clarinda Academy was operated as a facility to provide for the needs of children with more significant behavioral and mental health issues….
The University of Iowa announced the suspension of the Acacia Fraternity through December 2024. The suspension arose from what UI administrators concluded was “high-risk hazing practices and multiple violations of conduct policies.” The misconduct was identified both during the IC Acacia Fraternity rushes and initiations in the fall of 2019 and the spring of 2020. Founded in 1904 at the University of Michigan, up until the suspension of the UI chapter, Acacia had 28 active chapters across the United States…
The head of the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, was once asked what he considered to be the most dangerous job in America. Without hesitation, the nation’s chief occupational safety official stated: “Cell phone tower worker.” The stark reality is that each year an ever-increasing number of cell phone tower workers suffer severe, horrific, and even fatal injuries as the result of cell phone tower accidents. Hundreds of people were injured in cell phone tower accidents in…
Even though many people altered their Thanksgiving plans as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the November holiday remains something a celebration of food in homes across the country. People from all walks of life spend a considerable amount of time in their kitchens preparing some of their favorite dishes. Historically, holiday chefs use an array of different types of culinary devices, including the Crock-Pot Express Pressure Cooker. Just prior to the 2020 Thanksgiving holiday, Sunbeam Products, the manufacturer of…
Nestled on the plains of Kansas, the University of Kansas may not come to mind as an institution of higher education with a hazing tradition that has been described as “long and sordid.” However, that is the case. The school garnered this reputation because of fraternity hazing incidents, including situations that resulted in the long-term suspension of fraternities. With that said, fraternity hazing is not the only problem of this nature plaguing KU. A particularly disturbing hazing situation at the…
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