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The Long-Term Effects of Fraternity Hazing: Injuries that Last for Years

The Long-Term Effects of Fraternity Hazing: Injuries that Last for Years

The stories seem to everywhere in this day and age: Tales of young men, oftentimes fraternity pledges, who are seriously injured or even killed as the result of hazing. What has been largely overlooked by national fraternities, colleges, and universities, and the media is the stark reality that fraternity hazing can have lasting negative consequences in the lives of people subjected to these insidious practices. The fact is that stakeholders and people who’ve been subjected to fraternity hazing, sorority hazing, sports team hazing, and similar actions must understand the potential long-term effects of fraternity hazing.

As a prelude to the discussion, the term “fraternity hazing” is used most often in this presentation because the hazing of young men in college fraternal organizations appears to be the most common derivation of this harmful practice. With that said, the long-term consequences identified in fraternity hazing is applicable to harmful hazing practices in any setting.

Emotional and Psychological Aftereffects of Fraternity Hazing

One type of persistent injury a fraternity hazing victim can suffer is some sort of emotional or psychological condition. For example, there are cases in which a fraternity hazing victim ends up afflicted with PTSD. PTSD can be a devastating diagnosis that profoundly impacts a person’s personal and professional life. The losses that potentially can be sustained as the result of PTSD can ultimately turn a person’s life utterly upside down.

Alcohol Abuse, Binge Drinking, and Drug Abuse Later in Life

Alcohol abuse, binge drinking, and drug abuse occur at a higher rate among people who’ve been subjected to hazing when they were younger. Oftentimes, alcohol abuse and illicit drug use are somehow connected to fraternity hazing. Moreover, men in fraternities, women in sororities, and members of both genders in other types of organizations typically are pressured to over-imbibe in mind-altering substances or are persistently involved in activities in which significant amounts of alcohol are used. Oftentimes, these activities run afoul of existing college or university rules. A notable number of young people develop what medically is known as substance use disorder during this time period.

In other situations, persistent issues that follow hazing victimization give rise to the use of alcohol and other mind-altering substances as a means of coping. Some individuals end up using alcohol or other mind-altering substances as a means of self-medicating against other issues like depression, PTSD, and other disorders and conditions.

Hazing + Social Media = A Damaging Combination

In this day and age, thanks to the ubiquitous nature of digital cameras, there’s another type of damage that can arise from fraternity and other types of hazing. In nearly all cases, acts of fraternity hazing are memorialized in photos and videos. These photos and videos are not kept in some sort of inaccessible lockbox. Rather these images are shared and saved. Their existence can become known at a later date, including at very inopportune times.

A victim of fraternity hazing might be on a job hunt. During that process, images associated with some type of fraternity hazing situation might come to the forefront or somehow be discovered. The compromising images might be sufficient to torpedo a job prospect that was otherwise in a person’s hands.

Case of this nature involving people damaged by images created by someone else and shared through avenues like social media are becoming increasingly more common. There is no evidence that this type of situation will change at any time in the more immediate future and hazing victims will continue to be damaged.

Fraternity Hazing Injuries and Your Legal Rights

If you suffer long-term injuries you believe arose from fraternity hazing, you may have a claim. A fraternity hazing injury lawyer from our firm stands ready to meet with you and evaluate your case. A nationwide law firm, we’ve set up a hotline at (800) 349-0000 for people who may suffer from fraternity hazing injuries or other types of hazing damages. You can call us 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

There is no charge for an initial consultation with a fraternity hazing injury lawyer from our firm. The Doan Law Firm never charges an attorney fee unless we win for you.

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