Serving Injured Clients
Since 2000

Birth Injury Lawyers

Personal Injury Attorney Serving Nationwide

Giving birth is normally a time of celebration and joy, as a family welcomes a new addition into their world. Unfortunately, there are times when the neglectful actions of medical professionals can turn a moment of joy into a nightmare — completely ruining the experience for the family — and initiating the struggle to make sense of it all. At The Doan Law Firm, we believe that it is immensely important for families to take the necessary steps to pursue compensation based on the injury to their child, and we work hard on behalf of those families who have suffered birth injuries — ensuring that the family will have the resources necessary to lead a complete and fulfilling life, without the stress and worry concerning the financial responsibilities associated with taking care of their child.

The Importance of Compensation

A parent whose child suffered injuries during birth as a result of negligence by the physician or other medical personnel should not be forced to worry about how they will handle the financial burden that they have been saddled with. Their focus should be on caring for their permanently impaired child. That is why the attorneys at The Doan Law Firm are committed to making sure that you and your family will have the necessary resources to provide adequate care for your injured child, so that you will be able to focus your attention on what matters most. Simply complete our online case information form in order to be scheduled for a free review of your case. We are proud to represent families during the process of filing a birth injury lawsuit.

Evaluating the Facts to Determine Fault and Liability

One of the primary responsibilities of physicians, and their attending staff, is to take the necessary steps to ensure that their patients are safe. When they fail in this area, and it leads to a life-altering injury, it is well within your rights to hold the responsible party accountable. In order to prove a malpractice or negligence case, the first step will be to determine the cause of the injury.

When it comes to birth injuries, some common causes associated with neglect or malpractice include:

  • Oxygen deprivation during the delivery process. Oxygen deprivation ultimately cuts off the oxygen supply to the brain, leading to permanent brain damage, and diminished capacity. Continued oxygen deprivation can even lead to death.
  • The medical staff that is present during the delivery process fails to monitor the fetus for fetal distress. During delivery, it is immensely important for the medical staff to monitor the vital signs of both, the baby and the mother, in order for the doctor to be aware of any emergency situations that may dictate the need for an emergency procedure to protect the mother or infant.
  • Failure of the staff to effectively communicate with each other. In many cases, problems that occur during delivery are not properly communicated to other staff members, or to the primary care physician of the patient. This failure to communicate can easily lead to a delay in action being taken to address a specific issue —ultimately leading to severe complications.
  • Failure to order a cesarean delivery after becoming aware of the fact that the infant is in fetal distress. At the moment that a doctor becomes aware of the fact that the child is in fetal distress, every subsequent moment that the doctor fails to order an emergency delivery by way of a cesarean, increases the risk of severe injury or even death.
  • Not taking the necessary steps to monitor bilirubin levels after the child has been born. Because of their undeveloped livers, newborns are not able to effectively regulate bilirubin levels. It is possible for minor injuries to raise bilirubin levels, making it necessary for the medical staff to run tests on infants that display symptoms such as caput succedaneum and jaundice.

The Long-term Effects of Birth Injuries

At The Doan Law Firm, we have handled multitudinous birth injury cases, in which the child suffers from neurological problems and developmental issues that will negatively impact their quality of life as long as they live. When a child suffers from conditions such as Erbs palsy, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury and a number of other serious conditions that will place an enormous amount of stress on the family in addition to requiring expensive long-term care, we provide the legal support that the family will need to recover.

Caring for a special needs child will usually require that one of the parents remain at home with the child, or it will require hiring a caretaker for the child when the parents are not at home. Either way, this will place a financial strain on the parents — not to mention the exorbitant medical bills that are likely to result from the injury.

The experienced attorneys at The Doan Law Firm are committed to alleviating the complications associated with the financial strain that birth injuries create — allowing the family to return to what matters most — taking care of their child and attempting to return to as much of a sense of normalcy as possible. We will examine all of the facts and evidence, interview witnesses, take depositions and more, in order to determine the cause of the injury and who was at fault. We work directly with medical experts, economists and social workers in order to determine the amount of compensation that will be adequate to cover the expenses associated with the injury.

If your child was injured during birth, contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced birth injury attorneys in order to gain an understand about your rights as a parent. Our number one priority is to ensure that you are able to adequately provide all that your child needs, and we will fight intensely to make sure that you get every dime that you deserve.

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