If you have been injured in a personal injury case, you must develop a basic understanding of your rights and interests. You must also understand what you must to do to protect your legal rights. This includes being proactive in retaining the services of a skilled, experienced San Antonio personal injury lawyer, like a member of the legal team at The Doan Law Firm.
The stark reality is that a personal injury can forever alter the course of your life. You need to know what must be done to ensure that justice is served in your case and that you receive the complete compensation for which you are entitled.
Battling an Insurance Company
Odds are in the aftermath of an accident caused by another party, you find yourself staring down an insurance company. You must always keep in mind that an insurance company is in business for one primary reason: to make money for its shareholders.
An insurance company increases its income by keeping the amount it pays in claims to an absolute minimum. In other words, an insurance company makes money by shortchanging you.
The Texas Statute of Limitations
When it comes to personal injury law in Texas, one important element you must bear in mind is the Texas statute of limitations. The statute of limitations is a law that established a timeframe in which you must file a personal injury lawsuit.
In Texas, if you have been injured because of someone else’s negligence, you must file a lawsuit within two years of the date of the accident. If you fail you fail to make this deadline, you are likely to be precluded forever from seeking compensation for your injuries.
Texas Shared Fault Regulations
Texas maintains what is called a modified comparative negligence rule. What this means is that if you at found to be at least partially responsible for causing an accident or injury, any compensation to which you may be entitled will be reduced by the amount of negligence attributed to you.
Assume a jury determines the total losses you sustained in your case is $100,000. The jury also concludes that you are 10 percent at fault. Your award will be reduced by 10 percent, or $10,000. If you are determined to be more than 50 percent at fault in causing an accident, you will be entitled to receive nothing in your case.
Compensation in a San Antonio Personal Injury Case
The type of financial recovery available to you depends upon the facts and circumstances of your case. With that said, a tenacious San Antonio personal injury lawyer from The Doan Law Firm at (800) 349-0000, you will be in a better position to optimize the compensation received in your case.
Common types of compensation awarded in a San Antonio personal injury case include:
pain and suffering
emotional distress
medical bills and expenses
permanent disability
permanent disfigurement
lost wages
associated property damage
A San Antonio personal injury lawyer from our firm will also work to ensure that you obtain compensation for reasonably anticipated future losses as well. For example, you may be in need of medical care, treatment, and therapy into the future. You may continue to experience pain associated with the accident and your injuries. You may not be able to return to work any time soon. All of these ae compensable losses an attorney from The Doan Law Firm will assist you to obtain.
Hire a Fighter: San Antonio Personal Injury Lawyer from The Doan Law Firm
A San Antonio personal injury attorney is ready to meet and discuss your case. You can schedule an initial consultation with a Texas personal injury lawyer from our firm by calling (800) 349-0000 right now. Our accident hotline is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our firm charges no fee for an initial appointment with an attorney.
The Doan Law Firm utilizes a contingency fee arrangement for your case. What this means is that a San Antonio personal injury lawyer from our firm charges no fee whatsoever unless and until our attorney obtains a settlement or judgment for you.
We can schedule an initial consultation at your office in San Antonio, or at any one of our other Texas offices. We can also meet you at your home or even at the hospital, depending on your needs and circumstances.