Serving Injured Clients
Since 2000

Laredo, TX Personal Injury Lawyer

Are you struggling with an injury that you received from an accident in the Laredo, TX area? Do not be alarmed. Many people share in your pain and struggle. Tens of thousands of Texas residents get hurt in their cities each year. The good news is that you can receive compensation for your injury with the help of an experienced personal injury attorney. You can schedule a consultation even if you feel as though you are partially at fault.

About Personal Injuries in Laredo, Texas

Personal injuries are referred to as such because they involve instances of neglect. An auto crash becomes a personal injury the moment that a person receives an injury because the other driver failed to look out for the person’s welfare. Neglect occurs in a number of different auto accident situations. Common examples of neglectful car crashes are ones that occur in drunk driving situations, distracted driving situations, and rebellious vehicle operation occurrences. As a victim, you are eligible to receive compensation if you are less than 50 percent at fault for the injury. The offender has to pay so that you can get your life back on track.

Many different types of personal injury incidents occur. Automobile accidents are just one type of personal injury that occurs to people in the area. Examples of other types of personal injuries are slip-and-fall occurrences, dog bite accidents, pedestrian accidents, motorcycle crashes and the like. Another category of personal injury incidents are the ones that involve someone’s property. Homeowners and business owners are sometimes liable to pay compensation to people who get hurt on their grounds or inside their buildings. Manufacturing defects in toys and cars can count as personal injuries as well because the people who made the products were responsible for maintaining a certain standard on them. The factor that makes them all fall under the jurisdiction of personal injury is the neglect that is involved. Neglect occurs when a person or organization fails to take actions in regard or compassion for another person’s welfare. Such people are responsible for their patrons’ safety. You can be a victim of neglect in just about any situation where you are hurt.

Texas Automobile Accidents

Texas is no stranger to automobile accidents. In fact, statistics showed at least one person died every two hours in auto accidents during some years in Texas. Automobile accidents are devastating in that they ruin the lives of their victims by depriving them of the means to take care of their obligations. A Personal injury attorney can insure that the victim comes out of the accident intact.

What You Can Receive

An attorney can go after two types of compensation for you. Compensatory damages are monies that compensate you for the tangible things that you list in the incident. They can pay for your medicine, medical bills, lost work wages, auto repairs, household bills and more. Compensatory damages are a different kind of damages that pay for the pain and suffering that you have endured after the injury. Punitive damages also serve as deterrents so that the offender does not repeat the crime. Judges are likely to order punitive damages if a drunk driver caused your accidents. You may be awarded punitive damages if you are a victim of distracted driving, as well. The punitive damages are not standalone judgments. The judge must find that you deserve compensatory damages before he will award punitive damages.

How It Works

The first step in your personal injury case is calling the attorney to schedule a consultation. A consultation is a brief meeting between you and the attorney so that the two of you can get to know each other. During the meeting, you will tell the attorney the intricate details of your incident, and he or she will explain to you what the law firm can do to help you.

Why Hire a Laredo Personal Injury Lawyer

You consultation or case evaluation will be free. Therefore, you have nothing to lose by making that phone call. The attorneys will work aggressively to get you the funds that you need for your survival. The attorney will first try to get your offender to settle the case out of court. An out-of-court settlement will provide you with a quick solution to your post-accident problems. Some offenders do settle out of court because they know they are in the wrong. Some OOC settlements get resolved in as little as two weeks. The attorney will have to take your case all the way to court if the other party does not admit its fault. Cases that go on like that sometimes end with large settlements, however. Contact someone today or anytime 24-7 to get started on your case. You will be glad that you did.

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