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Whiplash Caused by Houston Car Crashes

Whiplash caused by Houston car crashes is not uncommon, but it is a serious condition that warrants medical care. You may not even realize anything is wrong as you step out of the vehicle, but you may begin to feel discomfort during the hours and days that follow. If you are the victim of a car accident and develop whiplash, seek medical care and then turn to your auto accident lawyer in Houston for guidance on what to do next.

How Does Whiplash Happen in a Houston Car Crash?

Whiplash is a common injury to the neck. It occurs when the neck and head move rapidly back and forth, much like the movement of a whip. This happens when there is a significant amount of force applied to a person, such as when one vehicle strikes another at a high rate of speed.

When that vehicle strikes your vehicle, it causes a massive amount of force to move your car forward, and your head naturally goes in that direction before springing back in the opposite direction. This causes serious injury and damage to the soft tissues in this area.

Symptoms of whiplash from Houston car accidents include:

  • Tiredness
  • Pain and stiffness in the neck
  • Pain that worsens when you move or twist your neck
  • Headaches that start at the base of the skull
  • Changes in motion and movement of your neck
  • Dizziness

In some situations, it may be critical to seek out additional help, especially if you have blurred vision, ringing in your ears, or severe pain. Particularly in collisions involving commercial trucks or other heavy vehicles, whiplash can be a serious concern.

Complications from Whiplash Caused by Houston Car Accidents

Most people will feel sore and may experience some symptoms for a week or longer. Others may develop complications from the accident that could impair them in various ways. Some complications may include:

  • Severe and debilitating neck pain
  • Limited range of motion that may not improve on its own
  • Pain that spreads into the arms and shoulders

If you have whiplash before, you are more likely to have it again. If you suspect you have whiplash, seek medical care at a local urgent care right away.

Recovering Damages from Whiplash After a Houston Car Crash

Victims of a car crash may need to seek medical care if they have serious pain or loss of motion. In every situation, it is critically important to prioritize your medical needs – go to the hospital, get care, and then give yourself time to rest.

You may be able to pursue full and fair compensation for any losses you have if you can prove the other driver was responsible for your injuries. Some of the specific types of damage you may be able to recover include:

  • Medical expenses from the accident
  • Medical expenses related to rehabilitation and recovery
  • Missed time at work
  • Loss of earning capacity if you cannot go back to work
  • Losses related to pain and suffering
  • Emotional trauma

If you are the victim of a car accident and suffered any injuries, seek the help of The Doan Law Firm and learn more about your legal rights to recovery of any and all damages. Our legal team can provide you with a free consultation to discuss whiplash caused by Houston car crashes and what compensation you may be owed.

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