When students are in school, those big, yellow buses serve as an initial warning to other drivers that there are children present. As a result, they should pay closer attention to what is happening around them. Also notable when a school bus stops, drivers should stop to allow children to cross. That includes every time that a bus has flashing red lights on, no matter which direction the vehicle is traveling. Speak with a Houston car accident lawyer about your case today.
What You Need to Know About Stopping for a School Bus
If a bus is stopped at a light or stop sign but does not have its red flashing lights on or a stop sign within view, you do not have to stop. However, under Texas law, drivers must stop in most other situations. Failure to stop appropriately can lead to an accident and subsequent Houston bus accident lawsuit. Here are some key details you need to know:
Flashing light systems on buses are a signal to other drivers that a child is going to be let into the street or may be crossing the street to get on the bus.
Yellow flashing lights on a bus mean the bus is getting ready to stop to load or unload students. At this point, drivers on all sides of the bus should slow down as the bus stops.
Red flashing lights indicate the bus driver is letting a child on or off the bus, and all vehicles in either direction must stop.
You cannot pass the bus while its red flashing lights are on. You must stop and wait until the driver stops the lights before proceeding.
If there is a physical barrier in the roadway that sides between the two directions of lanes, you do not have to stop for flashing lights. This might include a wall or a fence. This does not include simple landscaping or anything someone could simply walk over.
If you fail to stop for a bus when the red lights are flashing, you could be faced with a fine of up to $1250. In some cases, your driver’s license may be suspended as a result of your actions. In repeat cases, you may even face jail time for this action.
Why Does Stopping Matter So Much?
When red flashing lights are on, it means children are getting onto or off a bus. Not all children are easy to see, especially if they are smaller. Some may run into the road before looking. Data from the Texas Department of Insurance shares that each year, about 13% of children who are attending school plan to walk or ride their bike to school each day across the state. There are also over 9000 schools across the state, and not all of them are easy to spot from the side of the road. That means you may not know there is a risk of hitting a child. The lights provide a warning.
What Should You Do If You Get a Ticket?
In situations where you get a ticket for not stopping for a red flashing light like this, it is an option to pay the ticket and move on. However, if you believe it was unjust in any way, seek out the help of an attorney. Your attorney can offer insight into what your legal rights are and guide you in filing a dispute over the ticket.