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Top Ten Causes of Delivery Truck Accidents

Top Ten Causes of Delivery Truck Accidents It is almost impossible to dive for more than an hour, in any direction on a major highway, without encountering an accident involving a commercial delivery truck. In today’s post, the delivery truck accident lawyer at The Doan Law Firm discusses the “top ten” causes of accidents involving commercial delivery trucks. He will then explain why victims of delivery truck accidents will need to work closely with an experienced truck accident lawyer if…

“Student Drivers” and Fatal Truck Accidents

Due to the shortage of qualified drivers, some trucking companies have resorted to training drivers “on the job” or by hiring truck driving school graduates with little over-the-road driving experience.

“Code of Silence” Blamed for Slow Progress in LSU Hazing Cases

Even though hazing is now a crime in Louisiana, prosecutors are encountering “stone walls” of non-cooperation from fraternities and universities.

Doctor Fails to Monitor Hospitalized Woman’s Blood Sugars: Physician’s Failure Results in Severe Brain Damage

A 21-year-old woman was admitted to the Springfield Regional Medial Center, a hospital serving the needs of people in and around Las Vegas. As part of her admission to the medical center, her blood sugar levels were at issue. Unfortunately, the doctor overseeing her care and treatment failed to properly monitor and manage her blood sugars. A person’s brain requires appropriate blood sugar levels to function properly. Due to the failure of the patient’s doctor to monitor and manage her…

Thousands of Kids Injured in Bike Accidents Each Week

Thousands of Kids Injured in Bike Accidents Each Week With the summer months upon us, and a considerable level of limitations upon us all because of the COVID-19 pandemic, children are left to entertain themselves in more basic ways. This includes taking to the streets on their bicycles. Each day, kids from coast to coast will be jumping on their bikes with the intent of enjoyable times. Unfortunately, research studies reveal that each year hundreds of thousands of children are…

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