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Houston Man Dead after Multi-Pedestrian Automobile Incident

It is well-known that the combination of bars, alcohol, and automobiles is never a good idea. This observation has been confirmed after what began as a barroom argument resulted in the early morning death of a Houston-area man and injuries to three others. At around 2:00 AM Thursday, police and emergency medical services units responded to a call relating to pedestrians that had been injured by an automobile in the parking lot of the Bayou City Bar & Grill. Upon…

How Tort “Reform” Impacts Awards in Medical Malpractice Cases

Beginning in the early 1970s, health care providers and professional liability insurance carriers lobbied state and federal legislative bodies to place a maximum limit of the amount of damages that could be awarded in medical malpractice cases. While these efforts met with some success at the state level, they were less effective in limiting damages awarded in cases involving Medicare, Medicaid, Veteran’s care, and care provided to members of the armed forces. With the enactment of the Affordable Care Act…

Lawsuits Against Drunk Drivers

With Spring less than two week away, people are starting to consider their destinations for Spring Break or that late Spring vacation. Unfortunately, the increase in highway traffic will also bring an increase in the number of impaired drivers as well as an associated increase in in both fatal and non-fatal accidents that are the inevitable result of operating a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol. In this week’s essay, out drunk driver accident lawyer will review the legal options…

Semi-Truck Accidents Caused by Bad Weather

There are a multitude of underlying causes for a semi-truck accident. These include inclement weather. The Doan Law Firm semi-truck accident hotline at (800)349-0000 is staffed around the clock to provide you information about weather-related semi-truck accident claims and lawsuits. Many people immediately, an incorrectly, conclude that if weather is seen as the reason for an accident that it is a so-called “act of God.” These people believe that there is nothing to be one about a semi-truck accident when…

Wrongful Death: Children Killed by Semi-Truck Accidents

The number of people killed in a semi-truck accident in the United States was nearly 30 percent higher in 2016 than in 2009. 2016 is the last year a full set of statistics is available for semi-truck accidents in the United States. The Doan Law Firm maintains a semi-truck accident lawyer hot line at (800) 349-0000 if you have questions about this type of motor vehicle collision. One of the most horrific aspects of semi-truck accidents is the number of…

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