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Hurricane Harvey Commercial Claims

Although it seems like it was last year since we had any good news in the Texas coastline / southwest Louisiana area, here it goes: It hasn’t rained in almost five days and we’ve enjoyed sunshine for almost the same length of time! It seems hard to believe, but that light at the end of the tunnel is really the sun and not a freight train. Unfortunately, not all the news is good news. As we all know, or at…

Missouri-Columbia Fraternity Named in Hazing Lawsuit

The University of Missouri-Columbia chapter of the Kappa Alpha Order has been named in a lawsuit alleging hazing and forced consumption on near-lethal amounts of alcohol. In that lawsuit, Brandon Zingale states that as an 18-year-old freshman he and other pledges of the Kappa Alpha Order’s local chapter were “coerced” into participating in a vodka-chugging contest as a part of their effort to join the fraternity, even though the university had put the fraternity on probationtwo weeks earlier for violations…

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