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Cardiac Imaging May Increase Cancer Risks

A study in the Canadian Medical Association Journal has recently linked cardiac imaging and other procedures following heart attack to increased cancer risks, reports say. After-surgery and post-heart attack procedures like angiography and nuclear scans are often used, which studies now say can increase the risk of cancer, reports say. The study reviewed data on 82,861 heart attack patients in a nearly ten-year period and found that 77 percent experienced had at least one cardiac procedure within one year of…

Some Say Coal-Power Pollution More Deadly

According to recently published reports, U.S. coal-fired power plant pollution is linked to the deaths of as many as 34,000 people each year. The study, released by the Civil Society Institute in Washington and prepared by Synapse Energy Economics Inc., shows that the health cost of burning coal are more deadly than previously thought, reports say. Deaths ranging from 8,000 to 34,000 have been reported, with a “cost on society” of $64-billion to $272 billion, or a cost four times…

FAA Forces 737 Pressure Alerts

According to reports, the Federal Aviation Administration has approved a regulation that requires operators of older US-registered Boeing 737s to install new warning systems within three years that will warn pilots of pressurization problems onboard. The warning systems are in response to a 2005 crash of a Helios Airways Boeing 737-300 that was flying from Cypress to Greece. That crash occurred when the aircraft had climbed to its cruising level without automatic cabin pressurization. Without the cabin pressurized the human…

Animal Lover May Have Drowned Saving Stranded Animal

The family of Justin Raddie, 28, of Gambrills, MD, believes the man was trying to help an animal that wandered onto thin ice when he fell into the frigid, 6-foot-deep waterway and drown, according to reports. His mother, Madonna Brennan, of Gambrills, said Raddie constantly rescued wild animals from being trapped or entangled since he was a young boy. Raddie’s body was discovered after holes in the ice were spotted by a neighbor at Riverton Place and Stepneys Lane around…

Racing Drowns Victims

Jermaine Frank and Raymond Ally were found drowned in a car after racing on public roads, reports say. Reports say Ally, who is a legitimate drag racer with notable wins to his credit, was driving and taking a corner at high speed when he lost control of the vehicle. It veered off the roadway and overturned in a canal near. The pair was evidently trapped in the vehicle for some time before rescuers managed to retrieve their bodies. The two…

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